WaveMakers in Medicine

Dr. Heddwen Brooks, PhD, was recently named the 2024 Virendra B. Mahesh Lecturer by the Medical College of Georgia Department of Physiology at Augusta University. Dr. Brooks, an esteemed figure in research mentorship, scientific ethics, and professional scientific writing, currently serves as Professor and Chair of the Department of Physiology at Tulane University School of Medicine.

The Virendra B. Mahesh Lectureship, established in 2001 in honor of Dr. Virendra B. Mahesh, a pioneer in steroid biochemistry and reproductive biology, continues to bring together distinguished leaders in science. The annual lecture facilitates the exchange of ideas between these leaders and researchers at the Medical College of Georgia, fostering inspiration among trainees and young investigators. Dr. Brooks is a leading expert in sex differences, hypertension, and renal physiology, and her lecture was titled “Sex differences in hypertension, inflammation, and diabetic kidney disease, and the impact of menopause on disease progression.” Learn more about Dr. Brooks’ research here.