WaveMakers in Medicine

Wayne J.G. Hellstrom, MD, FACS, Professor of Urology and Chief of Andrology at Tulane University School of Medicine, received the 2024 Distinguished Mentor Award from the American Urological Association. The award recognizes researchers and physician-scientists with an outstanding track record of fostering the next generation of research by continually providing an excellent training environment and guidance to early-career investigators. Dr. Hellstrom practices as a urologist at Tulane Medical Center, University Medical Center, and the Veterans Administration Medical Center (New Orleans), where he specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of sexual dysfunction, including Peyronie’s disease, surgical and vascular reconstruction, prosthetic surgery, male infertility (both surgical and medical therapies), BPH, and urethral stricture disease.

The AUA published a manuscript Dr. Hellstrom co-authored with Bruno L.C. Machado, MD, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, as part of the award recognition. The manuscript reviewed the authors’ findings published in Sexual Medicine Review last year. It can be seen here: Penile Amputation and Replantation: Novel PENIS Scoring Criteria and Proposal of the PACKAGE Checklist (WARNING: graphic medical images)